
Just Out Now! :: Witch Gardens // Tan Dollar Split 7 inch

witch gardens * witch gardens * witch gardens
witch gardens * witch gardens * witch gardens

Witch Gardens are four friends who love playing music together and writing songs in the kitchen of the modest home where ½ of the band live. They've written winsome pop songs about cheaters, liars, brooms, windshield wipers, and woodpeckers, and have established themselves as "a band to fuck with in Seattle." The boy-girl-girl-girl group has been called the cutest band in Seattle more times than they can count. Guitarist/vocalist Casey Catherwood has been a booker/performer/chiller in the Seattle DIY scene since he was 13 (previously he played with Little Party and the Bad Business); Witch Gardens is the first band for drummer Sara Beabout, bassist Beth Corry, and Autoharpist Karolyn Kukoski. 

Previously, Witch Gardens has performed with bands like Deerhoof, Grass Widow, Marnie Stern, and the Vivian Girls. They released a split cassette with the post-punk band Stephanie that included full-color Topps-style trading cards for every member of the band. It sold out in two days and those songs are being repressed on a cassette due out in late May/early June from Boston's Wonder Beard Records. The band also has a 7" vinyl single called "Rain Delay" out in July on Seattle label Highfives and Handshakes (Christmas, U.S.F., Alaskas) and another 7" split with Orange County band Tan Dollar on the way from Japanese label Sixteen Tambourines. ( via cityartsfest )

Delighted to see that California pop group Tan Dollar has returned with You’re Pure Gold and Full Bloom.

 tan dollar * tan dollar * tan dollar
 tan dollar * tan dollar * tan dollar
 tan dollar * tan dollar * tan dollar

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